Monday, September 27, 2010

Looking Back

I guess I am in a reflective mood lately. I just started thinking about how the MCM10K is a little over a month away and how that was the race that started this whole crazy running journey I am on.

Back in July, August, and September of last year, I was thinking “How in the HECK am I going to run 6.2 miles?? What in the world did I sign myself up for??” I trained the best I could, with a 10K plan a friend wrote for me and battled knee bursitis (I guess my knees are reflective as well, since its flaring up again) and on a bright, chilly Sunday morning, I headed down to the National Mall in DC with my cousin’s husband (who was also running his first race and is celebrating his running anniversary with the full Marine Corps Marathon-and hopes to run sub 4 for his first---GOOOOO B!!!!). I was nervous to run the race by myself, convinced I would be the very last runner and that marathoners would beat me too (the MCM 10K runs the last 6.2 miles of the Marine Corps Marathon), but I ran the race, enjoying the course support, the runners camaraderie and the ABSOLUTELY beautiful morning we were blessed with.

Maybe they put something in the water on the course, or maybe it was the chance to run RIGHT in front of the Pentagon and Arlington Cemetery, but I finished the race (a slow, but respectable 1:18 or something like that) with a huge grin on my face. I was able to push my body past a point it had ever been and I felt like I could keep going!  I signed up for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler the next day. 

This race, as cheesy as it sounds, changed my life. I learned a lot about myself, learned a lot about my body and what it’s capable of, and over the year have made some wonderful friends and have become a part of a big club. If you had told me two years ago that I was going to run several 10 milers, a few half marathons and even a marathon, I would have laughed in your face. If you had told me I would enjoy going for a run for nearly 3 hours, I would have thought you were crazy.

So, it’s amazing to think what a difference a year makes. I went from really questioning what my body could handle to KNOWING that it can go that extra few tenths of a mile, and I can still push myself and my body can handle whatever I throw its way.

I guess I had to give myself that pep talk too. Sometimes, I can get focused on the negative aspects of the running, overlooking the huge benefits and positives I get from it. Katye and TMB have now decided its time for me to pick up my pace and push myself a bit harder than I do and get faster. So to my dear feet, legs and mind (especially you, mind), get ready, and suck it up, buttercup!!! We are throwing a few more things your way, and it’s nothing you can’t handle!

Unrelated, but still important, go check out Courtney's Coach Key Chain Giveaway.  She is trying to raise money for TNT and this is an awesome giveaway!  Go help support her!
Happy running everyone! 


Laura said...

Great post...I can totally relate. I have a lot of negative self talk floating around right now so I need to look back to see forward.

Julie @ HotlegsRunner said...

It's not cheesy at all! Isn't it amazing how much you learn about yourself every time you run or finish a race?

New follower here! Hope you can stop by my blog some time =)

jamie@sweatyhugs said...

Love this post Erin! You have come a long way my dear and I really enjoy reading about your accomplishments.

Kim said...

I totally needed to read this today. Thank you. I am not feeling my run tonight (feel sick and lazy) but know it will make me feel better!