Thursday, September 2, 2010

Maybe I have the golden horseshoe!

A quick post to let you know that I got picked from the waitlist to run the Baltimore Half Marathon on 10-16-10.  Soooo excited--I think I squealed at my desk when the email came across.

Also--I may have one bib for the Army 10 Miler up for grabs for a friend who can't run.  Email me here if you are interested and I will let you know if you would be interested in the race. 

Look for a full post tonight.  I had my first experience with a spin class last night, and there is lots to tell!


dawn @ running the dawn said...

congratulations! that's so exciting! and i can't wait to hear about spin class :)

Tricia said...

awesome, congrats!

Anonymous said...

super excited for you!

Hunnybee said...

Congrats! *happy dance for you*