Thursday, May 5, 2011

Remember me?

*cough cough hack hack*  Whew, did you see all that dust fly up?  Seriously, it has been a while since I posted.  Someone, who will remain nameless (*coughcough*Katye*coughcough*) told me that studying to the CPA exam, training, having an active social life and new job are not good excuses to neglect this blog, and for that I apologize.  Did you miss me though?

So, how have I been?  Obviously, very busy.  I started my new job and I LOVE it.  It’s a bit different than what I was expecting, but still a great opportunity.  I am still learning the ropes a bit, but work with very friendly and kind of people.  The CPA exam is killing me. I am devoting a ton of time to studying and still feel woefully unprepared.  I think I just need to get the tests over with and see what happens.

The social life is active.  I am spending time with friends, making new friends and really finding who I am as a person, what sort of things I like and I dislike.  I am certainly enjoying this phase in my life as I move forward, kind of uncertain where things will go, but optimistic about how they will go.

The training---well, lets just say its getting neglected.  I had my first long run in a while (8 miles) on Sunday, followed up ½ mile repeats on Monday and I am still hurting. 

First, the long run was solo, on a chilly Sunday morning.  I hauled myself out of bed to take a three hour study break and headed to the trail.  I was prepared and looking cute, if I say so myself.  I took off on the trail and enjoyed my pace (10:15 for the first mile—gooooo me) and really felt great.  After the first mile, I decided to go to my 6:1 intervals (which ended up being 3:1 because of my poor training lately) and the miles just flew by.  I thought about going for another 2 miles, but had a twinge in my knee and was worried about pushing it too hard, too soon.  I was happy I hauled myself up and got out there. 

The next day, I had the great idea that I would try ½ mile repeats.  I had legs that were dead, feet that ached, and apparently a brain that was out of whack.  Someone suggested  I start with 4, but I figured I could handle 6.  I handled 6, barely.  The first two flew by and I felt great (I really like that delicious pain when you are all sore and trying to push your body through it) and then the third was a bit of a struggle (I never just go out and try and run this fast),the fourth I managed to finish and feel ok and fifth and sixth about killed me.  I finished them though, and was pleased with the overall outcome, but decided that even though I will be keeping this in my training plan, they are a cruel form of punshiment.  It was torteous, but in the end, a good workout as my sweaty self was evidence of.

I love my new Trance, but I was custom fitted for insoles, so ever since then, my arches are bothering me-to the point where it would be painful to walk.  I am going to try pulling them out of my shoes on Saturday for my  long run and see if that remedies the situation and my feet aren’t killing me by the end of the race.

So, there you have it; my last six weeks in a nutshell.  Its amazing that I have been able to condense it so nicely right?

Happy Running all :)



Anonymous said...

a) "The social life is active. I am spending time with friends, making new friends and really finding who I am as a person, what sort of things I like and I dislike. I am certainly enjoying this phase in my life as I move forward, kind of uncertain where things will go, but optimistic about how they will go."

I think that is my favorite paragraph ever

b) I love your self portraits

c) holy hell where did you pull that 10 min mile from??

d) i have a seriously kick butt work out to send your way!

e) its almost your real life friend anniversary!

Sue G. said...

Hey Erin!

Welcome back. It looks like time well spent. Keep having a good time :)

Courtney @ I CAN DO THIS said...

YAYYYYY! So good to see you back :)

dawn @ running the dawn said...

always good to hear from you!!!! even if it has been a day or two... :)

i totally support living life to the fullest and letting the blog take a back seat when necessary.

good job on the running and the socializing and all that brings you joy!

Laura said...

Welcome back! You are a better blogger than I am... when I came back after hiatus, I was just kind of like "yeah let's skip all that" :)