Thursday, August 19, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1.  I have a whole bunch of cross training to try now that I joined a new gym.  I am excited to try some new classes (sadly, they do not have jazzercise at all TheDawn) and see what works best for me in my efforts to become a sub-5 hour first time marathoner!!! 

2.  Being waitlisted for the Baltimore Half Marathon stinks--but its my own fault for waiting too long to register.  I am currently #146 on their waitlist.  I am anxious to see if I can still get in and training as such.  Fingers crossed that the running Gods are with me and I get in the race!

3.'s fall line will be out in a few weeks.  I am so anxious to see what they have up their sleeve!!!!

Happy Running everyone.  I am off for 3 miles of tempo run after work!


dawn @ running the dawn said...

boooo! well, if you're interested in checking it out, i know that they're having a "one day sale" on monday...all you have to do is go to and click on "find a class". after you enter your address they will list all the classes in your area. classes are free on monday too!

anyway...did you see the video that runningskirts just posted? the argile and the brown flower skirt. omg! can't wait!

Unknown said...

Did I ever!! I may end up divorced with how much I'm going to buy!! Ps-- I use to go to jazzercise with my mom when I was a kid. Loved it. Thanks for the info and tidbit about free Mondays!!

Katie said...

Erin- There is the Woodrow Wilson Half in Sept. I know it is earlier than the Baltimore half, but may be worth a look. The same thing happened to me with the Hershey half . . . I went to register and it was full! Looking for a new half myself.

Oh, and I just saw the runningskirts preview today!!! I love the argyle skirts . . . so cute!

Karen Seal said...

I cannot WAIT for the new RS line, either!!! So exciting!!!

mpartyka said...

Have you run a marathon before? Do you have chosen the run?

I have run over 10 and am in the process of selecting a 50 miler for 2011. Let me know if you have questions, I have helped/built custom training schedules for so many people (all finishing the race).

I need to order a few running skirts - love this idea!